Pregnancy, family and babies are personal matters and of course all information is treated confidentially.
As a Baby Planner I assist women, couples and families during pregnancy and once the baby is born. I accompany you during this period of time in order to allow you to have time for yourself and have you concentrate on the most important thing: your well-being, your family and of course your pregnancy and baby.
Thanks to my experience I can help you make decisions which fit to you and allow you to identify potential risks and avoid errors.
I do not have medical know-how and I cannot not assist you medically. This is the job of the doctor, gynecologist or the midwife… they have the competency to support you with this.
Everyone has their own beliefs related to babies and families. There are also some questions and challenges that are pretty much the same for every family. There is also some information with respect to organization that makes sense to think about. I can - thanks to my training and knowledge - help you find the solutions tailored to your needs and those of your family.
Thanks to this you can concentrate your attention on the most important details.
I am independant, I do not manufacture products and I am not financed through manufactures. My recommendations are based on my training as a Baby Planner and Greenproofer, my experience and my research. My goal is to help you find your own way.
I am always focused on you and your baby.
What you think counts and I fully respect any of your decisions !
The same applies to whatever your origin, religion or culture may be. You may have some wishes and expectations linked to the pregnancy and how you react to your emotions. I do not follow standard models but appreciate your individual and actual situation.
I regularly do training and additional research which allow me to stay informed about the newest developments. I am also part of a network of worldwide baby planners and we consult with each other on a regular basis.
Learn more about my offer!